Dear students,
In my experience as an English teacher and learner, I have realized how important is to become a lifelong learner. The objective of this space is to help you develop your autonomy to learn a new language.
An autonomous language learner takes responsibility for the totality of his/her learning situation. He /she does this by determining his own objectives, defining the contents to be learned and the progression of them, selecting materials and strategies to be used, monitoring this procedure, and evaluating what he/she has acquired.
The information in this space is organized according to the language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Besides the four basic language skills, you will find a list of learning strategies that you can use in order to improve your practice. Finally, you will find some of the recommended links to reinforce the topics we have been studying in each unit.
These activities can be reported as part of your personal plan of work.
Enjoy them!